como funciona 01

Gamified learning based on real cases. Share and compete to learn.

How it works

A gamified learning system based on the resolution of day-to-day cases. An opportunity for professionals to learn together since it offers the options to play individually and in teams.


Cooperation and competitiveness used to motivate learning.

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Encourages teamwork and cooperation

Allows multidisciplinary work, debates and, ultimately, cooperative learning and the creation of formal learning communities.

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Learning by doing

The work based on real cases, proposed by the participants themselves, makes the user learn by doing, which is of great practical value in the learning process.

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Control of the entire process and user activity based on a user-friendly web environment.


An attractive environment that encourages participation and goal-oriented motivation.

Live competitions

An innovative training solution for events and conferences, focused on motivating the updating of knowledge through competition.
An outstanding way of presenting cases with live role plays allowing competition by answering questions through mobile devices.

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