Arraun! Storytelling to measure the impact of cultural change on the company


ADEGI, the Association of Companies of Gipuzkoa, has been promoting a cultural transformation within companies in the region for several years, which they have called the “New Corporate Culture”. But how can the implementation of this new model be evaluated and also involve third parties in that evaluation?

The project

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Taking advantage of ADEGI’s relationship with the world of rowing, we saw a clear opportunity to create a common thread between the values of a sport requiring so much effort and those that make up the “New Corporate Culture”.

We aimed to promote the participation of the workers – the final target audience of the solution – as well as to increase their identification with the company and generate greater awareness.  The analogy with the “traineras” (traditional rowing boats) generates that common thread and encourages us to achieve the “spin turn” (or change of direction), the moment of culture change to energetically drive the company towards a common goal: the success of the business project.

For the development of the final solution we got on board a trainera in the bay of the port of Pasaia (Gipuzkoa) and with the values at hand we set about representing and recording each of them with the help of the girls and boys of the San Juan rowing team.


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A simple, usable, multi-device solution that has encouraged people’s participation and the analysis of results for decision-making in the company.

For managerial positions, it is a visual and practical tool that allows them to measure the results in order to analyse and make decisions on time and improve the running of the company. In addition, the data is compared with the industry average.

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