Equipos&Talento publishes an interview with Vaillant Group

Entrevista de Equipos&Talento a corporacion Mondragon por la transformación digital del Grupo con dos plataformas basadas en Alejandría

In the May issue of Equipos&Talento there is an interview with several members of the Vaillant Group explaining the particularities that multi-brand training entails. 

Gorka Barañano, Marketing and Strategy Manager of the Vaillant Group, Lorena Pérez, B2B Support Manager, and installer Iñaki Tejedor offer their vision of the training platform based on our Alejandría solution.

The Vaillant Group platform is adapted at the graphic identity and content level to each of the brands with which they operate, so that the 6,000 plus users access it with the graphic identity of the brand to which they belong. 

This is all managed from a single management panel, which “helps to manage training in an agile way, with the consequent saving of time”, as Lorena says.

At the same time, because of their strategy and training process, Lorena explains that “in-person training serves as a hook for the online platform … And it helps us to arouse interest in finding out more about the solutions we offer”.

Read the entire interview in the web version or in digital magazine format

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