We create learning experiences 

E-learning solutions for companies

We offer the digital transformation of learning

Wetak is e-learning; it is interactive, intuitive, supported by the best in audiovisual creativity. Wetak is different, motivating, effective training, designed specifically for your project. The way you want it. Wetak is much more. Because with Wetak there are endless possibilities. A different option for each company. And one especially for yours.

You’ll like Wetak.

Training platform for companies for including all the company information and latest news in one place with different formats: courses, videos, PDFs, webinars and much more.

Live and remote training.

Use the most appropriate resources, depending on the objective of each activity, guaranteeing the acquisition of critical knowledge.

The solution for newly recruited employees.

Gamified learning based on real cases. Share and compete to learn.

Our training platform focused on the health sector to create a medical portal with all the knowledge oriented to a specialty.

Immediacy, flexibility and mobility for learning.

Learning based on solving real situations through simulation to assimilate critical knowledge.

Trivia type game to reinforce knowledge.

Editing of educational videos live in the studio or remotely to acquire skills in the creation of training resources.

Clients that have placed their trust in us


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¿Tienes dudas sobre nuestras soluciones? ¿Necesitas ayuda con la digitalización de un contenido? Habla con Jaime